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Litigation Cases

Wage and hour litigation continues to out-pace all other types of workplace class actions.

Collective actions pursued in federal court under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”)

currently outnumber all other types of employment-related class actions. Significant growth in

wage and hour litigation also is centered at the state court level, and especially in California,

Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and

Washington. This trend, one likely to continue into the foreseeable future, is reflected in the

value of the top ten wage and hour settlements in 2009, which totaled $363.6 million, as

compared to only $253 million in 2008.

The most prevalent wage and hour cases are misclassification cases, where employees

allege they were improperly classified as exempt from overtime pay requirements. Some of the

largest misclassification settlements in 2009 and 2010 include:


Poole v. Merrill Lynch (D. Or. Feb. 8, 2010) - $43.5 million:

Misclassification case related to stock brokers.

In Re Staples Wage & Hour Litigation (D.N.J. Jan. 29, 2010) - $42 million

before reverter: Misclassification case related to assistant store managers.

In Re Wachovia (C.D. Cal. 2009). - $39 million before reverter:

Misclassification case related to stock brokers, referred to as financial

advisers or financial adviser trainees.

Westerfield v. Washington Mutual (E.D.N.Y. 2009) - $38 million:

Misclassification case related to loan consultants.

Veliz v. Cintas Corp., $22.75 million (N.D. Cal. 2009). Misclassification



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No. Subject Author Date Views
19 Caldwell Freight Lines to Pay $120K to Settle EEOC Race Discrimination Lawsuit HRKorea.us 2012.08.04 1352
18 Wrongful Termination Lawsuits on the Rise HR-Consultant 2012.07.07 899
17 Multi-Million Dollar Overtime Laws Class Action Has July Court Date HR-Consultant 2012.07.07 1097
16 Sue While You Work: Retaliation Claims Are on the Rise HR Consultant 2012.03.14 1153
15 Employee vs Independent Contractor - IRS Guideline HR Consultant 2012.03.11 929
14 Employee vs Independent Contractor - EDD Guideline HR Consultant 2012.03.11 1053
13 $7 Billion Lost in payroll tax revenue - President Obama's 2010 Budget estimated for independent contractor misclassification HR Consultant 2012.03.11 1133
12 Orange County Register Class Action $30 million Settlement HR Consultant 2012.03.11 1418
11 FedEx’s Legal Problems Over Misclassified Workers Continues - $27 million settlement HR Consultant 2012.03.11 1061
10 Misclassification-15 Billion in 2001 - IRS now coming to collect - 안전하신가요? HR Consultant 2012.01.05 1058
9 Litigation Cases - Misclassification (스타벅스의 OT관련 법적소송건- 3) HR Consultant 2011.11.28 1877
» Litigation Cases (Overtime을 주지 않는 salary로 잘못 구분한 경우의 법적 소송건- 2) HR Consultant 2011.11.28 1289
7 Litigation Cases - Misclassification (Overtime을 주지 않는 salary로 구분한 경우의 법적 소송건) HR Consultant 2011.11.28 1126
6 Misclassification의 경우 Penalty는 얼마나 될까? HR Consultant 2011.11.28 985
5 FLSA Status-직원 급여를 Hourly로 혹은 Salary로 주는것은 회사 재량일까? HR Consultant 2011.11.28 1016
4 Federal Jury Awards $105K in EEOC Sexual Harassment Case Against Racine IHOP (Restaurant) HR Consultant 2012.01.03 1150
3 Sexual Harassment- Key Elements of Investigation Procedures HR Consultant 2011.12.31 995
2 Sexual Harassment- Complaint Procedures HR Consultant 2011.12.31 1071
1 Sexual Harassment Charges HR Consultant 2012.01.15 2065